
Trends in educational attainment in Europe

Note: This part of data processing was used to construct poststratification tables used to create country-year estimates of political trust in Europe. The full paper titled “Modeling public opinion over time and space: Trust in state institutions in Europe, 1989-2019” is availabe on SocArXiv: This research was supported by the Bekker Programme of the Polish National Agency for Academic Mobility under award number PPN/BEK/2019/1/00133. The Eurostat provides a host of useful data, including socio-demographic statistics on educational attainment, which enable tracking the changes in educational composition of European societies over the last several years.

Validating survey data: Educational attainment in SDR and the OECD

Educational attainment data OECD data SDR data Cleaning and merging SDR and OECD data Results The curious case of ISSP Switzerland Conclusion Appendix with Przemek Powałko General population surveys with representative samples should have a similar education structure as shown by data from administrative sources, especially if survey weights are used. In this post we compare sample aggregates from 15 cross-national survey projects (including the European Social Survey, the World Values Survey and the European Values Study, and others) from the Survey Data Recycling database with educational attainment statistics from the OECD.